Transformative Solutions For Organic Traceability

End-to-End Visibility

By providing traceability from the supplier to the batch at the origin mill, all the way to the finished materials, you can tie the finished goods back to the organic certifier(s), and isolate issues down to the batch.

Complete value chain traceability

Real-Time Tracking

Real-time product traceability and insights for every item, service or asset made, sold and used by your business. We guarantee trust and transparency at every step.

Organic Integrity Assurance

Checks and balances at key touch points to ensure input equals output.

Recall Ready

Trace bulk feed from the mill to the distribution point. Identify and manage risks early on to minimize losses and increase margins.

Retailer & Consumer Trust

Give consumers visibility and prove sustainability claims.

The consumer:

  • Scans the product using their mobile device camera, QR, or NFC feature to validate. (No app required)

  • Authenticates the product identity on the platform in real time.

  • Verifies the product information, certification, provenance, and story

Learn more about how our traceability software works.